Amanda McKoy Flanagan Amanda McKoy Flanagan

human harmony

Let humanity be grounded not in physical, political, sexual, or ideological similarity. Rather, let diversity be the jumping off point for unity, dissonance no longer threatening the human tie that binds. Let’s create a playground to explore, to investigate our differences and become comfortable enough in our own skin to not reject each other because of those differences.

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Amanda McKoy Flanagan Amanda McKoy Flanagan

From me to we

When tasked with making difficult decisions in your relationships, the principal question to consider is: Will this decision serve the highest good of myself and others? The answer to this question is reached by intermixing guidance from my Higher Power, my Higher Self, and wise friends; I find a middle of the road solution, choosing the route that does not only benefit me, does not only benefit others, but benefits both of us.

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Amanda McKoy Flanagan Amanda McKoy Flanagan

The more you love

Do not hold your love in reserve waiting for the day your beloved will prove to you that they deserve it. You are short selling yourself and the world around you if you impart your love like this. You are choosing disconnection to Self and to others.

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Amanda McKoy Flanagan Amanda McKoy Flanagan

Emotional integrity

Living and loving with emotional integrity each day, through every situation in life, will create an uninterrupted belief in your graciousness and your goodness, so much so that you will no longer doubt your thought patterns and actions.

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Amanda McKoy Flanagan Amanda McKoy Flanagan

let life be good

Are you so comfortable in longing that when you achieve a goal you choose to yearn for more instead of appreciating how far you’ve come? Do you constantly want and need more instead of savoring what you have right now? Does happiness seem ever-elusive, always slightly out of reach?

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Amanda McKoy Flanagan Amanda McKoy Flanagan

Never alone

No matter how lonely you feel, you are never truly alone. You are inextricably connected to source energy. Get quiet and feel into your heart space. You will soon realize you are not alone. Ever. This connection to the ethereal is a powerful antidote to loneliness, one which phenomenally encourages and supports connection with others, near or far.

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Amanda McKoy Flanagan Amanda McKoy Flanagan

the movement of heart and soul

Love is a necessity. It is nonnegotiable. It’s constantly seeking you, or rather, hoping you will notice it. Love has been seeking you since the day you were born and will never turn its back on you, no matter how often you turn your back on it. If you do turn your back on love due to fear or apathy, it will continue to seek you with fervent vigilance. Waiting patiently, love observes the personal beatings you must endure, sometimes over and over, with abounding hope and unrelenting moxie to help you rise to the occasion. Love is your greatest advocate.

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Amanda McKoy Flanagan Amanda McKoy Flanagan

share the burden

Any change in environment, big or small, wanted or not, requires a shift in perspective and all shifts in perspective transform one’s emotional nature. So, it makes sense that Darwin’s “survival of the fittest” philosophy applies just as much to physical surroundings as it does to emotions; they are one and the same.

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