a Leader of love
Pushing someone to change is a projection of our own insecurity and fear, and it may feel like judgment to the person on the receiving end. Trust their Higher Power to guide them through experiences, to teach them what they need to know. You do not need to fix, change, or make anyone better. When you trust in another’s soul path, you will not feel the need to interfere. Your anxiety around their behavior will lessen and you will be free to focus on your own life.
Staying in your lane is a tough task to accomplish under normal circumstances, never mind while privy to someone else’s suffering; it is nearly impossible when you believe you can reduce their pain. Resist the urge to tell others how to live. Keeping thoughts and suggestions to yourself is a sign of emotional maturity. You very well may have a way out, one that worked for you, but that doesn’t mean it is right for someone else.
Resisting the temptation to tell others how to live is the pinnacle of emotional evolution, more so when there is obvious danger ahead.
I’ve been told never to give advice unless asked for. I fail at this all the time! This is expressly valid when you know the person you are dealing with is not interested in your advice. It could feel like pressure to change, and pressure may manifest as judgment. The message of, “I’m concerned because you are acting ____,” could resonate with someone as, “There is something wrong with you.” That’s the sound of judgment.
There is nothing wrong with anyone, for there are no mistakes in God’s sovereign design. Trust that they are doing it exactly as they are meant to in this moment. It doesn’t have to make sense to you for it to be precisely what they need. The best thing you can do for them, and for you, is to trust in the master plan. This is the most impactful way you can show your faith in the person. It’s also the epitome of reliance upon something greater than you.
Keep the knowledge that we are all in the palm of God’s omniscient hand highlighted in your mind. Remind yourself often that each soul is protected in the perfect way. Trust in the universal truth that we are all being impeccably cared for.
If you must take action, love is always the answer. Help your friend, parent, spouse, child, or anyone you meet who needs an extra dose of love to feel loved. The old adage “Actions speak louder than words” is a tried-and-true phrase for a reason. Take a few minutes to check in with a phone call. Send the handwritten note. Drop off the homemade cookies. A heartfelt act of compassion will go further than a recommendation on how to live. The recipient may learn to trust that you are a safe place for them to fall and they might turn to you in their time of need. Compassionate actions construct a tower of trust. They assemble a safehouse of connection.
Another way to guide others, especially children, is to lead by example. They will emulate you for good or for bad. If you are loving, there is a good chance they will be loving toward you and others.
A Leader of Love exudes the power needed to heal others and to change the world. Be a Leader of Love.