the opposite of arrogance
Every generation thinks its problems are worse than the last and that they will be the ones to solve societies gravest issues. Do we even have the power to solve the world’s problems or should we live humbly amongst one another in love, trusting the world to sort out the mess once we sort out our disharmony within? Is our chaotic energy responsible for the chaos of the world?
Perhaps solving the world’s problems begins on the inside, within us. Maybe we have no idea what the world needs. Thinking we know the answers to life’s greatest questions is an arrogant proposition. What better definition of arrogance is there?
The opposite of arrogance is open-mindedness—the essence of spirituality, and humility.
I find value in most opinions simply because it’s true for that person; what’s true for me may not be true for you. And let’s be honest, there are three truths to every idea: mine, yours, and the absolute truth. I will never find the absolute truth by nesting comfortably in the ignorance of believing only the story I tell myself.
The most spiritually fit person in the room recognizes they know little, if anything at all.
The underbelly of fear in our society dictates I need to figure out the answers, and I need to figure them out now. If I don’t, I’m unintelligent and lack wisdom, leaving me feeling inadequate. I then experience loss of control, which makes me feel unsafe and anxious, so I quickly concoct answers and apply truths to worldly clamors to find safety and to lessen my anxiety. I reach for information or ideas to help me feel better. Refining and polishing these ideas over time solidifies my truth. The more I solidify my individual truth, the more my brain construes other information into supporting evidence to prove my truth is the truth.
Once applied universally, these truths (or anxiety-quellers) control our conversations. The ego engages and forces us to place blame, and we do this rather harshly, leading to heated discussions and arguments. Communication becomes difficult, we feel a separation from others, and this limits our desire to listen to or understand the person we are speaking with. A narrow alleyway takes shape in the wide dimension of our hearts and minds, solutions are not found, and we are left frustrated. This type of non-conversation is like a beat up, busted old truck barreling down the road towards Doomsville, leaving both parties exasperated as they never reach the anticipated destination. We give up and shut down or say something hurtful which later requires an apology. Or worse, we throw barbed, vitriolic words so venomous that relationships are ruined forever.
Open-mindedness is mature, humble, and ground in love, whereas knowing or expressing a truth as the only truth is limiting, prideful, and fear based.
An open mind strikes down arrogance before it has a chance to commit a crime, sending it straight to jail, without passing go, without collecting $200.