what’s your purpose

Have you found your higher purpose, your reason for being? True purpose is discovered in connection with your truth, your authenticity.

While attempting to locate your purpose, think about something that catches your attention, something that gets you going. Now think about if you could get involved with that thing on an impactful level. Notice the feeling inside. Is the feeling the same as when packing your bathing suit and sunscreen for Hawaii or while watching your children open gifts on their birthday? Does it give you butterflies or the chills? Does it nourish your soul?

Listen to that feeling. Do not deny it or talk yourself out of it. That feeling is your soul disclosing your mission, your purpose.

It’s a basic equation, like 1 + 1 = 2. Thought of Doing + Soul Nourishment = Purpose.

Messages usually do not shine in neon lights; typically, they arrive in the form of subtle direction from within. Think less, feel more, and allow yourself to trust that feeling. Let it drive you toward your true mission, and your highest, most authentic life.

Have you fashioned a life you think you should live rather than the life you know you are intended to live? Was the careful construction of your current situation based on obvious (or concealed) pressure from the pack you run with or your family? Does your need to fit in or gain acceptance from a certain group of people take precedence over your hopes and dreams?

How would you live if no one had anything to say about it, on or off social media, around the water cooler, or the holiday dinner table? Would you be someone else if you knew your choices and your voice would not be met with dissent?

Your truth may be hiding under constraints you place on yourself, pressure from others, or social norms; we are conditioned to believe that the prescribed best life deemed by society is our best life. It is not.

Think about who are you. Get honest about what matters to you. Write it down. When something comes up, don’t write it down immediately. Sit with it. Mull it over. Does it have a home in you? Does it fit like a glove, or are you trying to make it fit? Find what works for you, whatever it is, wherever it is, and with whomever it is. Find that home and settle in. Feel it hit so deep like when bath water soaks through the layers of your skin, warming you to your core.

Once you compile an honest list, go out and do, wear, eat, and be whatever is on your list. Own your own-ness. Know how special, unique, and purposeful your life is. Upon reaching this place, you will experience a feeling incomparable to anything else, like being lit from within. It is the highest form of connection to Self. Revel in it, but don’t be afraid to shift, pivot, or change course when your list requires editing.

You are allowed to shift, pivot, or change course whenever the mood strikes, no justification, rationalization, or explanation needed.

Step into your authenticity, embody your purpose, then share your mission with others. Alone we are powerful but together we are unstoppable.

Be unstoppable.

Amanda McKoy Flanagan

A native New Yorker turned Coloradan, Amanda McKoy Flanagan masterfully combines urban insights with a nature-inspired philosophy in her approach to love and loss. Author, podcaster, certified intuitive grief coach, writing coach, energy healer and motivational speaker, Amanda recently released her award-winning inspirational memoir, Trust Yourself to Be All In: Safe to Love and Let Go and is the co-host of the Sol Rising Podcast.

Co-founder of the 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, Castle Rock Clubhouse, a recovery clubhouse that serves as meeting space for various twelve-step programs, Amanda is passionate about sobriety, meditation, and spirituality. Through her commitment to climate action, she holds the spirit of loving-kindness, faithful perseverance, and compassionate service in high regard. A lover of horses, drumming, running, vegan eating, and dancing, she also enjoys singing with abandon to loud rock music!

Amanda holds a bachelor’s degree from the State University of New York at Albany in English and journalism and a master’s degree in social work from Stony Brook University, New York. Nevertheless, life has been her greatest teacher by far.

She lives in Castle Rock, Colorado, with her family and pup, Dolly.


a quick fix


no response is a response