Emotional integrity
A precious metal such as titanium is known to have integrity. Highly durable, it can withstand extreme heat without melting. It has the ability to tolerate intense pressure and remain true to form. Let your love persevere like titanium, with grit, stamina, and resilience—under all conditions.
We are being called, as a humanity, to live and to love with this level of emotional integrity.
Living and loving with emotional integrity each day, through every situation in life, will create an uninterrupted belief in your graciousness and your goodness, so much so that you will no longer doubt your thought patterns and actions. After developing this trait for a while, you will trust yourself to be pure in morality and genuine character. Life and its challenges, especially people, become easier to handle as you feel safe in your capacity to respond with patience, understanding, and kindness. Safe in your good bones, your desire to connect in a loving way increases as your head and your heart are in alignment.
When embodying earnest integrity, you do not ruminate over what others say and do.
You don’t take things personally. People’s actions (or lack of actions) do not sway your behavior. They no longer hold power over you because you are committed to your principles and values, especially to love, and you are unwilling to sacrifice your integrity in any situation.
Allowing someone’s treatment of you to influence who you are or who you want to be in any relationship gives them total control. Do not respond to the rise in your stomach with a knee jerk reaction. Choose your actions based on your integrity, not your emotions. Do not allow your feelings to get the best of you. If you do, you grant another person permission to establish your worth; you forfeit your integrity.
Practice this when you get the call that your parents are moving to another state and you feel they should live near your grandchildren. Or when someone who lives across the country visits a nearby city and doesn’t call you to meet up. Sure, you may feel an initial hurtful pang but it quickly subsides as these principles kick into gear. Your principles hold the power now.
Be like titanium: immutable under duress. Defy the temptation to change your emotional state under pressure or disappointment.
Do not melt when the heat is on.