the movement of heart and soul

We are entering an era of higher consciousness, an enlightenment period where greed and ego will be replaced with compassion and humility, and most of all, with love.

Will you join in the foremost movement of all time: The Movement of Heart and Soul? You don’t need a million followers on Tik Tok to do it. You just need to connect with love.

Love is a necessity. It is nonnegotiable. It’s constantly seeking you, or rather, hoping you will notice it. Love has been seeking you since the day you were born and will never turn its back on you, no matter how often you turn your back on it. If you do turn your back on love due to fear or apathy, it will continue to seek you with fervent vigilance. Waiting patiently, love observes the personal beatings you must endure, sometimes over and over, with abounding hope and unrelenting moxie to help you rise to the occasion. Love is your greatest advocate.

It is present while you breathe, eat, speak, and sleep. It’s the electrical current racing through your veins. It is your heartbeat, your very being. When you feel love, pick it up and run with all your gusto like a champion bolting into the end zone at the Super Bowl, then keep running.

The more you nurture and care for this evanescent force, love will not only match your efforts, but it will supersede them.

Pure love is delivered from a Higher Power. It flows easily through you; you are the conduit, not the conductor. You will know love is pure when you feel invigorated. Feeling spent means you are trying too hard. It’s a sign that the love is forced, and you have not fully tapped into the power that is there to support you. You are expending unnecessary energy and will be left exhausted. It need not be this strenuous. If you feel worn out after an interaction with someone then the effort was coming from you, not a Higher Force for Good.

This skill, like every other one, takes practice to hone, and the more you do it, the quicker it is accessed. Like the quote from William Hazlitt, the English literary critic from the late 1700’s espouses, “The more you do, the more you can do.” My husband told me this when I started running. It inspired me. I was not a runner prior to getting sober and was jogging maybe a mile at a time when I began. I kept at it and eventually ran a half marathon. It took 11 years, but I did it, one mile at a time. Like my hamstrings, I strengthen the love muscle every time I venture into, embrace, and embody love. The same applies to you.

Step into love as audaciously as you would a brand-new fire-engine red Ferrari. Floor the gas pedal and let love take you for a ride. Buckle up—you will hit a few roadblocks. All change is met with some resistance but do not let it deter you from your mission. After a few rough encounters on the open road, you will find the challenges less daunting. As you consistently experience how good it feels to be love regardless of the setbacks, the resistance will seem trivial in light of being in alignment with your Higher Self, in light of being love.

Amanda McKoy Flanagan

A native New Yorker turned Coloradan, Amanda McKoy Flanagan masterfully combines urban insights with a nature-inspired philosophy in her approach to love and loss. Author, podcaster, certified intuitive grief coach, writing coach, energy healer and motivational speaker, Amanda recently released her award-winning inspirational memoir, Trust Yourself to Be All In: Safe to Love and Let Go and is the co-host of the Sol Rising Podcast.

Co-founder of the 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, Castle Rock Clubhouse, a recovery clubhouse that serves as meeting space for various twelve-step programs, Amanda is passionate about sobriety, meditation, and spirituality. Through her commitment to climate action, she holds the spirit of loving-kindness, faithful perseverance, and compassionate service in high regard. A lover of horses, drumming, running, vegan eating, and dancing, she also enjoys singing with abandon to loud rock music!

Amanda holds a bachelor’s degree from the State University of New York at Albany in English and journalism and a master’s degree in social work from Stony Brook University, New York. Nevertheless, life has been her greatest teacher by far.

She lives in Castle Rock, Colorado, with her family and pup, Dolly.

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